Friday, June 21, 2013

June 2013

Winter has settled in Adelaide in the last few weeks.  There was a pile of quilts in my sewing room already as the seven quilts we had set aside for NSW bush fire families were never sent - mainly because we had no way of getting them up there (for free) but also because they said that they had sufficient for their cause and to hold onto them if we had another charitable cause.  We regularly give quilts to the Migrant Resource Centre, because they help refugee families fresh off the plane from foreign lands who have very little possessions, let alone enough bedding to keep warm.   So the seven quilts were included in this delivery of 16 quilts this week...I tried to not include the pictures of those original seven but my math isn't adding up, so there must be one repeat picture in here!

Happy quilting, Sue SA on behalf of the Quilts from the Heart group, Westbourne Park.